You agree to have read the terms and conditions carefully before using Photoretouchonline. By using the services of Photoretouchonline you agree to such terms and conditions. You certify that you are a photo and/or related retailer before creating an account for business purposes with Photoretouchonline. Photoretouchonline only handle orders for customers ranging anywhere from 50 to 5,000 images per month on an annual basis (600 to 60,000 images per year). Minimum charge US$25.00 per retouch order applies.
License to Use PhotoretouchOnline Web Site:
Photoretouchonline grants you a non-exclusive, limited right to use
www.Photoretouchonline.com. Such right is based on your compliance with all the terms and conditions set forth herein this agreement.
material rights:
By submitting images for digital retouching and emailing Photoretouchonline employees, you grant Photoretouchonline the exclusive right to produce, transmit, modify, display, and edit any communication or images received through use of Photoretouchonline. This right is limited and excludes all communications that contain copyright, trademark information, images or materials. You acknowledge that you understand all Federal Copyright/Trademark laws, and that all images, materials and/or communications submitted to Photoretouchonline (by you) do not violate such laws. You acknowledge receipt of permission from the copyright owner or are the copyright owner of all images submitted. Photoretouchonline is under no obligation to use any communications or images that are submitted by you for any purpose.
work authorization:
By submitting images for digital restoration, you authorize Photoretouchonline to perform any work on images. You certify that they are submitted for work either on your behalf or from the copyright holder of the images.
Information security:
Photoretouchonline uses all reasonable measures to ensure the protection and privacy of communications, images and billing information submitted to
www.photoretouchonline.com. Photoretouchonline uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to secure all payment information. You acknowledge that communications and images submitted to Photoretouchonline are not confidential and may be read or intercepted by unanticipated third parties. You agree that if such interceptions occur, Photoretouchonline is not liable in any manner under all applicable laws and jurisdictions.
Billing & shipping:
Photoretouchonline only accept payment through Paypal. You agree to register with Paypal at
www.paypal.com and that you agree to Paypal terms and conditions of use. You certify that you are the authorized credit card and/or bank account holder listed in your Paypal account, and that you have received authorization from the credit card and/or bank account holder for use on the Paypal account. You agree that your credit card and/or bank account in your Paypal account will be charged for work once the image is completed and payment submitted by Paypal. Photoretouchonline provides invoices online at
www.photoretouchonline.com of billing transactions. You agree that you have reviewed your billing/shipping information and that you will be held liable for all additional billing or shipping costs that may be incurred due to inaccurate billing/shipping information provided by you. Such costs include, but are not limited to additional postage, shipping materials, photo lab fees, collection and attorney´s fees. Photoretouchonline is not liable for any delay in services or products that result from inaccurate billing/shipping information.
Presentment for payment, notice of non-payment, notice of dishonour or default of payments, protest and notice of protest are hereby waived by you and any endorsers of the amount owed including any and all accrued interest. Notwithstanding the place of residence of Photoretouchonline the Terms and Conditions and/or this agreement is made in and governed by the laws where you resides and/or operate.
Interest of 2% per month is applicable on accounts unpaid 10 days after invoice issue date. If there is default in making any payment, at Photoretouchonline option the full balance owing on the account, together with accrued interest, shall immediately become due and payable and continue to accrue interest, before and after judgment at the same rate of interest until paid off in full.
Photoretouchonline provides these terms and conditions "as is". Photoretouchonline maintains the sole right to revise these terms and conditions at any time. Photoretouchonline reserves the right to terminate such agreement any time without any notice to any such user. Photoretouchonline, its employees and authorized agents under no circumstances shall be held liable for any damages or any unforeseen damages that may result directly or indirectly from any communications and or images that are submitted for personal Non-Commercial and Commercial Uses. Photoretouchonline shall not be held liable for any communications or images that may be received by an unanticipated third parties.